
Who doesn't love a sale?!  I'm excited about this year's Cyber Monday Sale over at TpT for a few reasons.  First, I have some clip art that I need to stock up on.  Second, I hope that I will gain some more followers.  Third, I hope that buyers will be able to purchase some items that they need for their classroom at up to 25% off!!  Here are some recent products that I worked on this week over the Thanksgiving break.  I have either just listed them or updated them.


This is my best seller!  I have added a couple of new pages and hope you will like it.  This is a fabulous packet for the last day of school!  I give it to my students as a “gift”!  They love the crossword puzzles, word searches, and coloring pages.  The students love to solve the mystery words that they have to unscramble.  It's also always fun to see how many words the kids can make out of “summer days”!


The next product I created is great for 2nd grade math stations.  This is a great way to differentiate when learning about money.  On this, the students take a card and make that amount of money four different ways!  This is great for 1st-3rd grade students.  Partner A can build 2 of them and Partner B can build the other 2.  Then,  they check each other's work!


I love these new astronaut incentive charts!  I can't wait to use these in my classroom.   They are great for positive behavior rewards.  You can also use these for homework completion or task completion.  Then, use choose the reward or have the students pick individual rewards that they are working towards!  For example, one of my kiddos love the iPad, so when he earns all of his stickers, he will get to play on the iPad for 15 minutes!

So, be sure to stop by my store and pick up these great items while they are on sale!  Also, leave a comment as to what else you need for your classroom.  I am always looking for product ideas!  Happy Shopping!

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